Angela Wang's Journal
Mar 2007
6:03 PM EDT
In recent days, I am very busy with the activityproposed byGraduate Institute in our college. The theme of activity is to reflect the call from the World Metrological Organization. As a base to educate the advancedtalents for the wholenation, our university has the duty to do well the publicizing work in society. The topic of “World Metrological Day” this year is ‘Polar Metrology: to recognize the internal effect from the polar’. To prepare for the activity, all members of Graduate Institute worked very hard to make the preparation,somebought the necessarythingslike stationaries, others search for metrological knowledgein libraryin order to make the bullitin. On March 22
, we had a very interesting commemorating activity in the front of refectory, with many students taking part in this activity. Although the work is veryhard, we could learn much knowledge from the personal experience. Yes, due to many human activities, the change from climate in recent 10 years has been threatened the production and lives of human beings. People must or should be aware ofdanger from this change like the decrease of O3, Greenhouse Gases, acid rain.
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Angela Wang
Gender / Age:
Female, 47
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ANGELA WANG's Interests:
About Me:
I am a Chinese girl studying in a college majoring environmental science for my master degree. I am married, and have a very good husband.
Reading, traveling although I am poor and could not afford it.
Favorite Music:
folk songs
Favorite Movies:
Forest Gum
Favorite Television:
nature program
Favorite Books:
red dream